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About YalaBazar

YalaBazar is a famil owned clothing store created in 2022, specializing in selling women's and men's clothes and accessories, jewelry, high-quality custom apparel, and more. We take pride in providing our customers with the best quality products and top-notch customer service. Our goal is to ensure that all our customers are satisfied with their shopping experience.

We are committed to being a leader in the industry with our innovative designs, unique selection, and superior customer service. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service and helping our customers look and feel their best. Come shop with us and experience the YalaBazar difference.


Do you provide international delivery?


YalaBazar is shipping now internationally to Canada only.


What can I return?
You may return most new, unopened items within 15 days of delivery for a full refund. Used items should be returned as received. No damaged items will be accepted.


Does YalaBazar offer replacement and exchange?


Yes, If you received a damaged or defective item, we’ll ship you a replacement of the exact item. If you would like to exchange an item for another, you can exchange it for a different size or color or for an item in your Cart.


How do I track my order?


We will provide all information about the shipping: Courier, approximate delivery date, and tracking number.



Our Team

Welcome to YalaBazar! Our team is led by Dieudonne P. Bouss, who has extensive sales experience and is passionate about providing our customers with a great shopping experience. With Dieudonne at the helm, YalaBazar is ready to serve you

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